Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo, Raul Cestaro and Gianluca Cestaro (Pocket Edition)

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The tarot of the new vision mini presents one of the world’s most famous Tarots, the Rider-Waite, in a new and unique view and perspective. By turning the classic illustrations in a 180-degree perspective, we find out what is on the front or back of the characters on each card. An innovative work of great interest in terms of symbolic and divinatory development.

The Tarot of the New Vision Mini figures were inspired by the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, designed and described by the renowned English occultist Arthur Edward Waite for the young painter and book illustrator, Pamela Colman Smith, who created them in 1909. This tarot, undoubtedly the most famous in the world, has already been the subject of many attempts at imitation and has been the source of inspiration for countless decks that are still on the market.

For the first time, the images created by Smith for the New Vision Tarot were projected by rotating the perspective 180 degrees (the figure is no longer seen from the front, but from behind). What the represented figures have in front of or behind them can therefore be discovered (depending on the angle). This is not simply a figurative peculiarity, but a further extension of meanings. Some symbolic elements, where possible, have also been added to approximate the traditional symbols.

One of the biggest difficulties when the new images were designed was the angle of the Kings and Queens seen from the back on the throne. The problem was identical for many Major Arcana, such as the High Priestess, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Chariot, and Justice. In the realization of this project some of the cards required ‘artistic’ license for the enlargement or reduction of the size of figures and objects from their original position. For some cards, for example the High Priestess and Justice, the tip of a curtain located behind them has been dropped to make the main character more visible.

People who currently use the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot now have a convenient deck that represents its complement and completion. Thanks to the New Vision Tarot, a new and enlarged image of each card is possible for deeper reflection. As if to emphasize life’s coincidences, to illustrate this tarot two twin brothers were chosen thanks to their modern and effective colors with a clean line: Raul and Gianluca Cestaro. A man and his twin, a coin and its other side, a person and his opposite point of view, the Rider-Waite tarot and this deck. All to broaden knowledge and awareness.

Deck: 78

Dimensions: 5 x 8 cm

Author: Pietro Alligo, Raul Cestaro and Gianluca Cestaro

Language: English

Explanation book in English, Spanish, French, Italian and German

Publisher: Lo Scarabeo

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Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 9 × 5.5 × 3 cm


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