Art Nouveau Tarot by Antonella Castelli

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In Tarot Art Nouveau, artist Antonella Castelli explores the traditional themes of the tarot using the sensual and expressive Art Nouveau style.

The beautiful men and women in these letters live in a lush world of color and grace. Each card shows one or two partially nude figures or figures wrapped in flowing dresses. Most of the numbered cards of the minor arcana show women, but men are represented in the court cards and the majors. The appropriate number of suit symbols is shown in a rectangular box on the right, rather than being incorporated into the scene. At the top of each letter is the number and name in four languages, with Italian at the bottom. Aces are numbered one. There is also a miniature version of this deck. The Art Nouveau Tarot is another deck in this style.

These cards are alive with movement, the delicate curves, the sweeping lines, the bright, soft color all serve to draw the mind to the images. Taken together in one reading, these letters almost effortlessly weave a story. Taken individually, there is plenty for the eyes to delight in. This tarot is a work of art in itself, and will also serve as a powerful divinatory tool.

The 78 tarot cards have been modeled in new colors and shapes, with smooth, elegant lines. Styles and images come together with those of our imagination, bringing to life the spirit of the 19th century and evoking colorful environments like springtime.

Deck: 78

Dimensions: 6.5 x 12 cm

Author: Antonella Castelli

Book: pages with instructions in Spanish, French, Italian, German, English.

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Additional information

Weight 250 g
Dimensions 12.5 × 7 × 3 cm


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