Shiva Lingam

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Renewal * Vitality *Fertility

Shiva Lingam is a type of Jasper, with a very characteristic shape, that can be found in the Narwada riverbed. They are sacred stones to Hinduism, but we also find records of their use among Buddhists and Jains.

Collected by priests during the dry season of the year, following the steps of certain ancient rituals, these crystals represent the power of the god Shiva, creator of all that exists.

Lingam is a term that means mark or sign. Thus, the Shiva Lingam is recognized as the mark of Shiva, and is considered a powerful amulet that intensifies the vitality of the wearer. Usually this crystal is cut in an oval shape, due to its symbolism of renewal.

Properties of the Shiva Lingam
Energetically, it represents the union between the masculine and the feminine. It is a crystal that integrates the characteristics of masculine force, with the properties of feminine intuition, having a deep vibrational level. The fluidity of the Shiva Lingam’s energy favors renewal, as it stimulates action and proactivity. In times of transition or change, it is one of the best crystals we can use to get through new challenges. For many centuries, there have been Hindu currents that relate the Shiva Lingam to cleansing and unblocking the lymphatic system, thus contributing to the purification of the body. Due to its invigorating nature, this is a crystal with an energy that enhances fertility.

In Feng Shui, the Shiva Lingam is used to rebalance the energy flow of the entire house. In the body it is associated with the Muladhara, the first Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Astrologically it is related to the element Earth and the sign Taurus. Its energetic affinity with the Kundalini makes this crystal a potential aid in stimulating the process of releasing the creative force.

How to use the Shiva Lingam
The use of this crystal predisposes to the integration of the opposite poles. Its natural energy is invigorating and contributes to inner well-being. If you want to unblock the life energy in your home, you should place a large Shiva Lingam in the center of the home. When there are small crises in the couple, having a Shivia Lingam in the bedroom contributes to the return of harmony in the relationship. This is a crystal that is very much related to the lower energy centers of the body. Its use is very useful for those who need to renew their life, contributing to an increased sense of stability and physical support.

There are several pieces and they all vary in color, size and texture as they are natural crystals and unique in essence.

They weigh between 50 and 80g and measure approximately 5 to 7 cm.

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Temple of Buddha website, you can contact us by Whatsapp, email or Facebook.

You can see how to treat crystals here.

Additional information

Weight 65 g
Dimensions 6 cm


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