Jerico’s Rose

3.405.15 IVA Incluído

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Adquira este produto e obtenha 3-5 Pontos - no valor de 0.15-0.25 ao criar conta em Templo de Buda


The rose of Jericho brings good luck and fills the house with positive energy, spirituality, and breaks the path of negativity to enter within the safe walls of your divine sweetheart.

The meaning behind this name is not that simple because it requires finding a connection to the holy spirits and the ancient biblical teachings.

The prehistoric plant, Rose of Jericho, is not a rose; however, it opens like a rose.

Also, because it has a corolla of leaves, which are more like a dried herb, it is referred to as pink. Jericho shows its relationship to the ancient city of Canaan.

Canan, the modern name for Jericho, is the ancient city of Palestine that has a sacred importance in Judaism and Christianity, since both Moses and Jesus were born there.

Jericho, in the name, refers to the biblical city of Jericho in Palestine, reborn endlessly from the ashes.

Thus, the rose of Jericho is also a resurrection plant because it can live up to millions of years and come back to life from dead ends whenever hydrated.

In many traditions, the Rose of Jericho is known to be used to: call for wealth, obtain protection, for good luck, and help suck up negative energies.

Having a rose of jericho, at home means bringing good luck into the house, as it helps remove negative energies and injustice from your environment.

It is a female plant, as it remains closed but opens to disperse its seeds and produce babies after every rain, or whenever it gets wet.

The mother plant helps the embryos to grow efficiently.

Although the mother plant shuts down after dispersing the seeds when the rain stops, it nevertheless allows the seeds to germinate in the damp and sand.

Its benefits are enormous; it is used in many medical, therapeutic, and religious practices.

There are traces of its use to help mankind find the ancient formulas of childbirth, women’s health issues, and bring good luck to the home.

Here are some benefits and uses of the Rose of Jericho:

Use against envy, evil eye, bad vibes, and negativity – Keeps bad luck at bay:

If you suffer from the evil eye and bad vibes from people, take help from this miracle plant that never dies. All you have to do is:

Revive your Rose of Jericho by placing it in a bowl of water. Let it stay there as long as it takes to open up completely.

Keep it there until you see that the water is changing color and turning brown in its texture.

Change your plant water, and use the previous water you used to evoke this plant, by spraying it at the entrance of your home and office.
Remember that the best day to start this ritual is Tuesday and Friday at 9:00 am or 3:00 pm.

Rose of Jericho for Money:

Use in Abundance of Money – helps increase finances:

You will need to have some coins according to the currency of your country. It can be pennies or any other kind of coin.
Now, take your resurrection plant and start watering it.
Be sure to take a deep glass or dish with some water, dip your plant in it, and let it bloom like a rose.
“The resurrection plant may take an hour or more to be reborn / blossom.”
Once the plant has fully bloomed, take the coins and place them inside the plant where it will close. Now let the plant return to its dead state by removing it from the water
Soon, after a day or two, take up the plant again, making it reborn, and remove the coins. This is, in effect, as if your money has been reborn.
Put these coins with the rest of your coins, and you will see the resurrection of your money.

Jericho Prosperity Rose Prosperity Spell

Use for Prosperity in Your Life – Magnetize Happiness

Different people use it in different ways. If you have the opportunity to have this miracle plant in your home, use it to bring happiness and prosperity.
Although it sounds like magic and spells, however, the thing is proven by many people’s experience. You don’t have to do much.
Simply do the process you did with the money, but this time use crystals instead of coins. Place crystals in the womb of the rose of Jericho, let it close, and be reborn.
Take the crystals out and place them at the entrance to your house, in your car, as well as in your wallet.
You will see wonderful changes in your mood and in the general atmosphere of your home.

Rose of Jericho for Birth:

Use for Safe Delivery – Safe Pregnancy Period

In the Christian religion, the plant symbolizes the resurrection of Christ. It is very similar to Mary’s womb.
Therefore, the plant will bring blessings from Mother Mary to the unborn child and to the pregnant mother.
The process is simple.
Just place the dish with a little water and the Rose of Mary under the mother’s bed where the birth has to be conceived.
When the plant begins to bloom, take the statue of the Baby Jesus, and place it inside the plant. This thing will ensure the safe birth of the child.
“The mother can do the process of resurrecting the Rose of Jericho on each anniversary of the child’s birth for the child’s safety.”
It is also used to treat fertility issues in males and females with the blessings of Jesus and Mary.

How to grow the Rose of Jericho

You simply need a bowl or pot without any drainage holes. Fill it with some gravel or pebbles and pour in water until the stones are sparsely submerged.
Place your brown ball of Jerico plant in the container so the roots touch the ground and keep it in indirect light.

You can view the product in detail on our YouTube channel.

There are several pieces and they all vary in color, size and texture because they are natural and unique in essence

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

6 to 8 cm, 10 to 12 cm


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