Rolled celestita

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Soothing • Serenity

By holding a rolled Celestite crystal in your hands in times of stress or suffering, it helps to “lift” heavy mood, relieve sadness and lessen anxiety. When placed directly in your body, Celestite brings muscle and stress release to the area in which it is placed.

The name Celestita comes from the Latin word for celeste, and its stress-relieving vibrations will surely seem Nirvana to a chaotic mind. Although it is a high vibration crystal, the intensity of Celestite’s uplifting nature is soft enough to still be comforting.

If you have anxieties about unknown situations or difficult relationships, working with a Celestite can bring clarity and help in your ability to reconcile. By instilling a calm approach to you, you will be more prepared to deal with what life brings you.

Celestite is the ideal energy for those who are quick to react and quickly repent. In the heat of the moment, spitting fire does nothing to cool the situation. A Celestita encourages you to think before you speak. Celestite is a wise energy to be consulted when your temper is clouding your thought process.

She recalls that you can find a thoughtful approach to your problems with others, and that quiet solutions are more likely to be heard than anything that is shouted at.

The meaning of Celestite connects to the higher realms of the Universe to allow serenity within its upper chakras. If you ever tell her you think too much, Celestite is the perfect solution for your overloaded mind.

Before starting a toxic cycle of hasty assumptions and conclusions, use a Celestite to purify the mind. Instead of allowing worry to consume you, you can be proactive in fighting your anxiety. Breathing slowly with Celestite in your hand brings balance to the mind. When you are centered, it becomes easier to approach difficult situations with a level head.

Why Use a Celestite?

If you find that your happy/sad relationship is unbalanced, Celestita will help you feel protected by the loving energy of the guardian angels, it is your daily antidepressant. Your energy will guide your inner spirit towards light and love, making it a powerful stone for deep relaxation and restoring your natural state of joy.

Dimension Approx: 2 to 3 cm

Weight Approx: 42 gr

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, size and texture because they are natural crystals and unique in their essence

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You can see how to treat your stone here


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