Cathedral Resin in Grains

3.0050.00 IVA IncluĂ­do

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Adquira este produto e obtenha 3-50 Pontos - no valor de 0.15-2.50 ao criar conta em Templo de Buda


Cathedral resin is a mixture of natural, white, yellowish-white and translucent gum grains. Frankincense has a characteristic, slightly balsamic fragrance. Based on recipes developed by the monks of Prinknash Abbey in Gloucestershire, Cathedral incense is a blend of pure incense and natural oils that has its own distinctive fragrance and aroma.

The Cathedral resin blend releases a deep, rich aroma that is also often used for rituals and ceremonies in cathedrals.

Frankincense granules are obtained from the Asian Shorea Wiesneri, a gum tree native to East India, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The pellets have been washed in scented oils that are all EU approved.

The Cathedral incense blend, is an incense intended to be used in rituals or for meditative purposes.

This incense is not intended to be used as a food additive or for pharmaceutical purposes.

How to use Cathedral resin

To benefit from the properties of Cathedral resin in purifying your crystals and your home, you will need liturgical or charcoal. The purpose of the charcoal is to allow the Cathedral grain resin to be burned continuously and safely at the same rate. After lighting the charcoal on a fireproof surface, let it burn until it begins to turn white. Then place just a few grains of Cathedral resin on top of the charcoal. Only one coal arrives.

Soak your crystals or crystal jewelry in the smoke that comes out of the resin. It purifies the energy of the crystals. You can also cleanse the energy of your space with the grains of Cathedral .

This product is sold in packs of 50gr, 100gr, 500gr and 1kg

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.

Additional information

Weight N/A

50gr, 100gr, 500gr, 1kg


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