Incense Holder Selenite OM Round

12.80 IVA Incluído

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The Selenite Incense Holder Round with hole holds one incense at a time and can also be used to clean several crystals at once, plus it keeps them in high vibration. This Selenite Incense Holder Round can also be used to clean other objects and even the water we drink, making everything purified.

OM is unity, it is the symbol that represents our oneness with the divine, with creation, with the universe. It is what represents the I AM, our ultimate and deepest identity. With OM we can feel – I am tiny in the Universe, I am a Universe in me.

You can read more about Selenite Crystal here


Your Incense Holder can be used as a Cleaning Board

Simply place the stones or objects to be cleaned on top of the Selenite Incense Holder and leave them for a minimum of 15 minutes, but this time can vary as needed. After this period the objects are already clean and energized. Ready to go to work again!

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, dimension and texture because they are natural and unique crystals in their essence

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.

Although Selenite is a self-sufficient crystal to cleanse, if you wish to help with this cleansing you can see how to treat your crystals here


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Additional information

Weight 240 g
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 1.5 cm


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