Green Tree Yoga Tree Indian Incense Box

14.50 IVA Incluído

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Gree Tree Yoga Tree Indian Incense is wonderful for any line of Yoga. It provides a relaxed and harmonious environment before and after any Yoga practiced.

The main branches of yoga include राज योग Rāja Yoga (Real Yoga that is practiced through knowledge, meditation and contemplation), कर्म योग Karma Yoga (consists of the daily practice of selfless helping actions for Humanity), Jñana Yoga (consists of the study and use of the knowledge acquired to attain enlightenment), Bakti Yoga (consists of the application of daily devotion in our lives that will lead to divine communion), Tantra Yoga (which consists in the integral development of the human being in its physical, mental and spiritual aspects) and हठयोग H
aṭha Yoga
(the traditional yoga known with Asanas or postures described in the Vedas)

How to Use Incense

– First of all choose the appropriate incense with your intention (healing, energy cleansing, protection, tuning with guides or angels, etc.). Don’t light incense just to “smell” the house. There is a whole spiritual process behind an incense ritual that must be respected. Any and all energy you “invoke” with incense will be available for your request. There are also elementals of nature that will be made available to be burned in your favor. It is our duty to show respect for this process.

– You must place yourself in a metal or clay censer to receive the ashes that will fall and to protect the places where burns that may arise from these ashes are placed

– Light the tip of the stick covered with incense in a candle, match or lighter flame

– Unite mentally with the smell and feel the peace that each one keeps within himself. It’s your time to relax. Make it your ritual of relaxation and meditation.

All ingredients of this product are purely organic, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Free of children’s production.

Box contains 12 packages of 15 Gr.

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