Indian Satya Green Citronella Incense

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Nag Champa Green Citronella Indian Incense is an excellent calming, antidepressant, and distress-reliever. One of the perceived effects is the renewal of your focus and the balance of your feelings and emotions, making you feel more motivated to achieve your goals.

Incense made from the citronella plant has a citrusy, sweetish aroma. Although it is widely used to repel insects, it has many benefits for our health and well-being. It purifies and revitalizes the energies of the environment, provides a feeling of asepsis, and improves air circulation. If you have been noticing a lot of tiredness and heavy feeling in your body and environment, citronella incense is also a great ally.

Because it has very dynamic and pure energy, it has the ability to revitalize places that have been closed for a long time and that, as a result, end up accumulating negative energies. By eliminating impurities from the air, the citronella scent helps to spread a sense of tranquility through the environment, reducing the harmful effects of stress and mental fatigue.

It revitalizes and purifies the energy of the environment in which it is used, causes an aseptic effect, and improves air circulation, eliminating musty odors and making the environment more pleasant.

Its characteristic smell and benefits are preserved in citronella incense, whose effects go far beyond a simple room freshener.

Citronella, scientifically called Cymbopogon winterianus, is a medicinal plant widely used in aromatherapy. It is bright green in color, with long, ribbed leaves that grow in large grass clumps.

Typical of the India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia region, for being of simple cultivation and easy adaptation to various temperatures, citronella has adapted to different regions of the world.

How to Use Incense

– First of all choose the appropriate incense with your intention (healing, energy cleansing, protection, tuning with guides or angels, etc.). Don’t light incense just to “smell” the house. There is a whole spiritual process behind an incense ritual that must be respected. Any and all energy you “invoke” with incense will be available for your request. There are also elementals of nature that will be made available to be burned in your favor. It is our duty to show respect for this process.

– You must place yourself in a metal or clay censer to receive the ashes that will fall and to protect the places where burns that may arise from these ashes are placed

– Light the tip of the stick covered with incense in a candle, match or lighter flame

– Unite mentally with the smell and feel the peace that each one keeps within himself. It’s your time to relax. Make it your ritual of relaxation and meditation.

All ingredients of this product are purely natural, non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

Packs of 15 Gr

If you have any questions about this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, Email or Facebook

Additional information

Weight 41 g
Dimensions 21.5 × 4 × 1.5 cm


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