Goloka Natural Indian Incense Natural Vetiver

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The essence of Goloka Natural Vetiver has long been used as a traditional herb in South Asia and Africa. The wonderful herb Vetiver, called “Light of the Sun”, is well known as sacred and valuable due to its ability to bring inspiration, calm, healing, and protective properties. This plant is originally from Asia, Ceylon, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

In fact in India and Sri Lanka it is known as the “herb of tranquility”. It increases tranquility when you feel more exhausted. It should be used when there are feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

It has a strong incidence in the healing process of depression, insomnia and nervous tension due to its relaxing and deep action. It is recommended for people in a state of stress, who should use it in the form of massage or during bathing. The marked aroma of Goloka Vetiver incense has an effect on the red blood cells and brings about a general balance of the organic functions. It stimulates wisdom, strengthens the disposition, the strength of the nervous system and fights melancholy.

The Vetiver plant has roots that can penetrate up to 6 meters deep into the earth, and by this capacity, this incense also provides the feeling of security and “rooting” for those who use it. In Aromatherapy, this incense is indicated for those who seek more firmness, more structure.

We can also use Goloka Vetiver incense to work the energy of the Manipura base chakra, which is the energy center responsible for our structure, our base, and is located at the height of our genitals.

How to use Incense

– First of all, choose the appropriate incense with your intention (healing, energetic cleansing, protection, attunement with guides or angels, etc). Don’t light incense just to “smell” the house. There is a whole spiritual process behind an incense ritual that must be respected. Any and all energy you “invoke” with incense will be available for your request. There are also elementals of nature that will be made available to be burned in your favor. It is our duty to show respect for this process.

– You must place yourself in a metal or clay censer to receive the ashes that will fall and to protect the places where burns that may arise from these ashes

– Light the tip of the stick covered with incense in a candle, match or lighter flame

– Unite mentally with the smell and feel the peace that each one keeps within himself. It’s your time to relax. Make it your ritual of relaxation and meditation.

All ingredients of this product are purely organic, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Free of children’s production.

Packs of 15 Gr

If you have any questions about this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact us by WhatsApp, email or Facebook



Additional information

Weight 41 g
Dimensions 5 × 1.5 × 22.5 cm



15 gr




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