Holy Mother Lavender with Lavender Flowers Premium Powder Incense

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Premium Sacred Mother Incense Powder Lavender Flower incense for serenity.

Lavender has the property of neutralizing negative energies, transforming them into positive ones, achieving harmony balance, and relaxing your mind and body. It helps you achieve a deeper spiritual connection through your meditative work. Your third eye chakra – Ajna – connects well to the pleasant scent of lavender because of its fragrance. Your intuition and spiritual understanding can increase by incorporating lavender into your meditation.

Just as we cleanse our bodies, it is very important to purify our homes and workspaces. The scent of this lavender incense powder is a way to restore harmony and balance. This tool is quite ancient and holds its power of intention and communication with herbs, allows you to connect with the earth, the universe and its power of renewal, restoring harmony in your home, body and soul.

This incense powder enriches the Sagrada Madre range, which works only with natural and organic products. This incense is made from concentrated aromatic oil, essential oils, lavender flowers, herbs, and salt.

It has a spoon mold for convenience in picking up the incense powder.

It contains 60gr of incense powder.

How to Use Incense Powder

– First of all choose the appropriate incense with your intention (healing, energetic cleansing, protection, attunement with guides or angels, etc). Don’t light incense just to “smell” the house. There is a whole spiritual process behind an incense ritual that must be respected. Any and all energy you “invoke” with incense will be available for your request. There are also elementals of nature that will be made available to be burned in your favor. It is our duty to show respect for this process.

– It should be placed in a metal or clay incense holder to receive the ashes that will fall and to protect the places where they are placed from burns that may arise from these ashes

– Place a small portion of the incense powder in the incense holder, it can be on top of a charcoal or form with your fingers a pointed mound on the incense with the spoon that comes with the incense.

  • – Light with a lighter or match and strike carefully with a quick, smooth motion, protecting the hand and avoiding blowing out.

– Unite mentally with the smell and feel the peace that each one keeps within himself. It’s your time to relax. Make it your ritual of relaxation and meditation.

All the ingredients in this product are purely natural, non-toxic, vegan, from renewable sources, free of child production, and environmentally friendly.

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.

Additional information

Weight60 g
Dimensions19 × 6.5 × 1.5 cm



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