Andara Monoatomic Opal Crystals: A Divine Gift from the Earth
Andara Monoatomic Opal Crystals are true jewels of divine creation, revealed to the world by the ancestral wisdom of Lady Nellie, a Native American shamanic healer. In 1967, in the heart of the Sierra Nevada, California, Lady Nellie brought to light these special crystals, linked to the mystical energies of ancient Lemuria.
The story goes that the zero point of the original temple of Andara, in Lemuria, rested exactly on Lady Nellie’s land, where Mount Shasta is today. These crystals, formed during catastrophic events more than 26,000 years ago, carry within them the energy of an advanced civilization that transcended the limits of the material to access the dimensions of the divine.
A Legacy of Light and Healing from Lemuria
When the poles shifted and the tectonic plates separated Lemuria from Pangaea, intense volcanic activity transformed the primordial minerals into ethereal crystalline substances. This is how the Andara crystals were born, shaped by the fusion of Earth’s fire and cosmic ether. These gems, now found in the Sierra Nevada, Hawaii and South Africa, keep alive the pure and elevated vibrations of an age of wisdom and enlightenment.
The Lemurians believed that the Andara crystals contained monoatomic ether, a cosmic mineral capable of transforming consciousnesses. This magical substance is mentioned in the Vedic scriptures as “amrita”, the essence of eternal life. Today, these crystals remain a gateway to self-knowledge, healing and collective spiritual elevation.
Divine Properties of Andara Crystals
Andara crystals are considered sacred instruments of transformation. Their properties include:
Vibrational uplift: Andara’s energy is incredibly powerful, promoting expansions of consciousness that connect directly to the Divine Source.
Energy purification: Cleanses and harmonizes the chakras, especially the crown and the third eye, helping to connect with higher dimensions.
Channeling universal energy: Helps to receive cosmic knowledge and deep spiritual communication.
Inner transformation: Purifies dense energies, promoting emotional, physical and spiritual balance.
These crystals are known for containing Prima Matra, the “first matter” mentioned in alchemical and spiritual traditions. With a combination of 70 minerals, they are considered the highest vibrational crystals on the planet.
A Master Crystal for All Paths
Andara crystals are especially powerful for healers, meditators and spiritual seekers. They:
They enhance self-healing and planetary healing.
They increase the ability to travel multidimensionally, unlocking vivid and revealing dreams.
They create an energy shield that stabilizes the body’s magnetic field.
The Divine Science Behind the Andara
Although they resemble glass, Andara Crystals are a natural gift shaped by the fusion of monoatomic metallic elements under conditions of extreme volcanic heat. This unique process results in a crystal that reflects and amplifies light, which is why it is highly prized by curators and collectors.
Its vibrant colors are caused by rare trace elements such as gold, silver, manganese and titanium. These minerals, combined with monoatomic ether, make Andara a unique jewel that resonates with the purest and most divine energies.
A Call for Spiritual Transformation
Whether to achieve balance, purify energies or connect with the divine, Andara crystals are an irreplaceable tool on the spiritual journey. They are a reminder that the light of the Creator lives in everything, just waiting to be accessed by those who seek the awakening of the soul.
Are Andara crystals real or fake?
There is a great deal of controversy surrounding these crystals due to the fact that they resemble glass or obsidian. As we all know, glass is produced by human hand by grinding the raw materials: silica (from siliceous sand), calcium oxide (provided by calcium carbonate) and sodium oxide (provided by sodium sulfate or sodium carbonate). The ground mixture is then homogenised and baked in an oven. After all the water has been lost, the flux is added to this mass, which generally consists of finely ground pieces of glass. The temperature is raised to 1200 to 1400 o C depending on the composition of the raw material.
This is the way the Human has discovered to produce glass. Now since everything is but a copy of the Divine, why could not the “glass” already exist by the Divine hand?
Andara crystals are made in the same way, but using different materials. They only occur through volcanic catastrophes, where there is overheating of the Earth, just as there is in glass. When monoatomic elements are heated to high temperatures, they transfer their properties to the natural glass-like material – infusing them with this natural mineral complex rich in monoatomic minerals. It is these infused glass crystals that are authentic monoatomic Andara crystals.
Of course, their visual similarity is the same, but the results are quite different.
They are a form of natural glass, like Moldavite, Tektite and Obsidian, but rich in prima matra ethirium
There is also the controversy that they are obsidian from Mexico. What sets it apart from obsidian is its Etherium content, which is a combination of 70 different minerals. This characteristic is also known as prima matra, which means pure unaltered matter and covers any form of matter that resonates with the original first matter.
If you want help cleaning your crystals, Selenite is the most appropriate crystal, but you can see how to treat your crystals here
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