Abalone Red Polished Shell 7-9cm

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Polished Red Abalone Shell 7-9cm ( Haliotis Rufescens) of Philippine origin.

Shell with some rarity, sought after by collectors.

The Abalone Shell provides safe shelter for the abalone (saltwater mollusk), so it makes sense that these shells carry the energy of protection, safety, and nourishment.

Shielding abalone from waves of negativity, the gentle energy of Abalone shells is filled with peace, beauty, compassion, and love. Native Americans believe an Abalone shell to be sacred and use it, along with Salvia, to carry messages to heaven.

Much used as a censer, where it withstands the ashes and medicines to burn, because its hardness is enormous. With this, many Shamans gather water from the shell to the land of herbs and merge heaven and earth in one place.

The Abalone shell although it is used more in smoking with herbal torches and other sacred woods, it can also be used nearby for its wonderful and beautiful energy. It can be used when you need guidance in a relationship. The compassion she lends can cool the heated moods and allow her to better understand difficult situations or divergences.

Known as the Ears of the Sea due to its shape and ocean connection, abalone’s shell reminds us to listen and be kind to those we love.

Let yourself be guided as you immerse yourself in the calming and harmonious energy of abalone. Meditating with the shell of Abalone encourages us to incorporate a more relaxed behavior. Your energy helps absorb positivity, while allowing stress and anxiety to leave you.

For the negativity that dwells in your being, you can use the energy of abalone to cleanse and release feelings that do not serve a positive purpose in your life. These toxic emotions, such as fear and insecurity, can often play a limiting role in your life, preventing you from taking risks or accepting opportunities that might benefit you.

Embracing the energy and meaning of Abalone’s shell helps you embrace. By tapping on the energy of this rainbow shell, you can learn how to break through the shell that your insecurity has created.

You can also use a support to support Abalone, see here

How to Use

You can use the plain Abalone trough, or you can put a little sand in the bottom to trim away any ashes and stains that may remain from the Burning Herb and Sacred Wood Torches . So it will also protect your mother-of-pearl beauty. Take to the spaces, crystals or people who want to smoke.

You can view the product in detail on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions about this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact us by WhatsApp, email or Facebook

Additional information

Weight 30 g
Dimensions 7 × 6 cm


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