Black Obsidian Heart 4.5cm

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Heart of Black Obsidian about 4,5cm

Black Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great purifier of negative energies, helping to remove not only the negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Black Obsidian is often used to heal and release energetic blockages, and tends to work quickly to bring truths to the surface to be resolved.

Black Obsidian is a stone that reveals truths. These may not be the most comfortable truths you have ever faced. In fact, some of them can be very severe. What makes the energy of Black Obsidian so powerful for those who have experienced it, because it forces you to recognize past behaviors or actions that you tried to ignore. Even those regrettable decisions that you have successfully justified in your mind will have to contend with the energy of Black Obsidian. That is not to say that it is all confrontation with Black Obsidian. It is also a crystal for liberation.

By recognizing your flaws, you take the first step toward transformation. You can’t fix the problem that you don’t allow yourself to see. The energy of Black Obsidian allows you to see the negative so that you can make the transition to your most positive potential. Even when your work with Black Obsidian takes you to a level of self-awareness that you weren’t interested in discovering, keep pushing and developing healthier behaviors.


The benefit of using crystals in the form of Heart

Using a heart-shaped crystal stimulates an entire energy of love and compassion. Depending on the crystal several energies will be worked.

This type of format is great for those who are very rational and logical, who have difficulty accepting love and deserving or for those who are too emotional.

In either case it will balance only by the shape of the crystal, but it can further potentiate with the energy of the various existing crystals itself.

By holding a heart-shaped crystal, this crystal will work on itself but in a “romantic” way. For example the Pyrite (prosperity and wealth) will work this prosperity in the emotional part and loving abundance. The Sodalite stone, on the other hand, works with the powerful blue force. It activates our assimilation, awakens intuition and amplifies the connection with our Higher Self. It is excellent for meditation as it soothes the mental and induces deeper meditative states.

It can also be used upon the heart chakra in your self treatment or in therapies to others. It opens the chakra, cleanses energies of abandonment and rejection and expands universal love. It helps to forgive, brings healing and peace to our inner child.

There are several pieces and all of them vary in color, dimension and texture because they are natural and unique crystals in their essence

If you have any questions regarding this product on the Templo de Buda website, you can contact by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.

You can see how to treat your crystals here.

Additional information

Weight 45 g
Dimensions 4.5 × 5.5 × 1.2 cm


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