Andara Opala Monoatomic

35.00 IVA IncluΓ­do

✨ Discover Andara Opal Monoatomic Crystals 🌟 Divine energy, ancestral healing and spiritual upliftment! πŸ’Ž Connect to the cosmos and transform your life today! πŸŒΏπŸ•‰οΈ

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About the Andara Opal Monoatomic Crystal: Treasures of Divine Creation

Andara Opal Monoatomic crystals are true gifts from Mother Earth, guardians of an ancestral and divine energy that transcends time and space. Revealed to the world by Lady Nellie, a Native American shamanic healer, these crystals emerged in 1967 in the Sierra Nevada, California. Her lands were home to what was once the central point of the Andara Temple in Lemuria, a lost civilization that resonates with cosmic love and universal wisdom.

A Story Rooted in Cosmic Creation

Around 26,000 years ago, tectonic changes separated Lemuria, the legendary continent of gold, from the rest of the Earth’s continents. During this cataclysmic event, intense volcanic activity generated heat and pressure that transformed the raw material used in Lemurian temples. This cosmic process resulted in the Andara crystals found today in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Hawaii and South Africa. Composed of monoatomic etheric minerals, Andaras are portals of light that connect the divine to the human, promoting self-healing, spiritual expansion and collective evolution.

Spiritual and Energetic Properties of the Andara Opal Monoatomic Crystal

Andara crystals are much more than just stones; they are transmitters of Prima Matra, the primordial matter of creation. This divine substance, a fusion of 70 unique minerals, raises the body’s energy fields and strengthens the connection with universal consciousness.

Spiritual Expansion
Andaras facilitate access to higher dimensions by aligning the chakras and purifying the energy field. When we work with this crystal, we experience the golden light of the divine ether, which dissolves blockages and expands our ability to channel higher energies.

Healing and Transformation
Their vibrations are incredibly high, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Like a bridge between the earthly and the celestial, the Andaras intensify the connection with Mother Earth, restoring harmony and vitality.

Divine Manifestations
Andara crystals help to materialize intentions, helping us to co-create realities aligned with divine love and light.

Multidimensional Journeys
The energy of the Andaras is especially powerful in deep meditation and lucid dreaming, allowing us to explore parallel dimensions and access wisdom from the past and future.

Heavenly Beauty and Unparalleled Power

Visually similar to volcanic glass, Andaras have unique properties due to their composition rich in monoatomic minerals. When heated, these elements create a substance similar to glass, but with extraordinary vibrational capabilities that stabilize the electromagnetic fields of the human body.

Its vibrant colors, derived from metallic oxides such as gold, titanium and copper, reflect light and radiate divine beauty. More than a crystal, each Andara is an energy portal.

Andara Crystals and Lemurian Wisdom

In the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, the Andaras were used in temples for healing and spiritual expansion. Today, rediscovered in the Western world, they continue to offer the same transformative energies. When working with an Andara crystal, it is common to experience intense dreams and profound insights, a manifestation of its ability to connect us to the ethereal.

A Divine Connection with the Earth

The Andaras’ resemblance to ordinary glass is controversial, but the difference lies in their Etherium content, a vibrational fusion that connects the human to the divine. This “celestial glass” is a reminder that even the simplest substances can be transformed into portals of light by the divine hand.

Andaras are catalysts for ascension, bringing clarity and helping us to rediscover our spiritual purpose. They allow us to access primordial energies, heal deep wounds and vibrate in harmony with the cosmos.

Who are Andara Crystals for?

If you are looking for a powerful tool for spiritual upliftment, energy healing or simply want to connect more deeply with the divine essence, Andara crystals are perfect for you. Work with them and discover how their light can transform your being.

Are Andara crystals real or fake?

There is a great deal of controversy surrounding these crystals due to the fact that they resemble glass or obsidian. As we all know, glass is produced by human hand by grinding the raw materials: silica (from siliceous sand), calcium oxide (provided by calcium carbonate) and sodium oxide (provided by sodium sulfate or sodium carbonate). The ground mixture is then homogenised and baked in an oven. After all the water has been lost, the flux is added to this mass, which generally consists of finely ground pieces of glass. The temperature is raised to 1200 to 1400 o C depending on the composition of the raw material.

This is the way the Human has discovered to produce glass. Now since everything is but a copy of the Divine, why could not the “glass” already exist by the Divine hand?

Andara crystals are made in the same way, but using different materials. They only occur through volcanic catastrophes, where there is overheating of the Earth, just as there is in glass. When monoatomic elements are heated to high temperatures, they transfer their properties to the natural glass-like material – infusing them with this natural mineral complex rich in monoatomic minerals. It is these infused glass crystals that are authentic monoatomic Andara crystals.

Of course, their visual similarity is the same, but the results are quite different.

They are a form of natural glass, like Moldavite, Tektite and Obsidian, but rich in prima matra ethirium

There is also the controversy that they are obsidian from Mexico. What sets it apart from obsidian is its Etherium content, which is a combination of 70 different minerals. This characteristic is also known as prima matra, which means pure unaltered matter and covers any form of matter that resonates with the original first matter.

If you want help cleaning your crystals, Selenite is the most appropriate crystal, but you can see how to treat your crystals here

If you have any questions about this product on Templo de Buda, you can contact us by Whatsapp, email, Instagram or Facebook.


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Additional information

Weight 33 g
Dimensions 4 × 4 cm


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