Andara Crystal Oracle Oil

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Each oil contains 10 ml and genuine Andara crystal chips.

Andara crystals are used to access the higher dimensions of consciousness. Andara crystals will open and clear each chakra and detoxify any form of negativity. The healing vibrations are amazing. The Andara will help increase your access to all universal knowledge and greatly accelerate your spiritual development. Andara is one of the best crystals for giving the ability to channel, and is also perfect for healing.

Andara crystals are ancient healing crystals that have been around for eons and are believed to have been used in the healing temples of Atlantis and Lemuria, but only now in recent years are they being recognized in the Western world as a powerful healer and tool for spiritual ascension and advancement. They are all heliocentric, which simply means that they absorb and reflect light, which is why they have become such a popular choice for healers and collectors around the world. Their popularity is not only based on beauty. Their energies are very powerful and can be quite intense at times, but you will always have a positive experience when using and working with Andara crystals.

Andaras are available in such beautiful colors due to rare mineral deposits of metal oxides found in the soil, trace elements such as iron, manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper, nickel, titanium, gold, silver, and even uranium. Andara is a volcanic glass found in the sacred regions of India in California.

You can read more about Andara Crystals here

Directions: Use just a few drops, add to bath water, charm bags, oil burners, incense granules, powder, anoint candles, crystals, esoteric tools and jewelry.

PET bottles are used, the most environmentally friendly product for these oils. All these bottles can be fully recycled, are lightweight and easy to transport.

It should not be ingested. It’s not body application.

Always close the lids of the vials (because the oils evaporate) and store them in a cool place, preserving them from the direct incidence of sunlight, other light sources and radiators.

Keep essential oils out of reach of children as well as pets.

Each bottle contains 10 ml

In case of doubts regarding this product on the Templo de Buda site, you can contact Whatsapp, email or Facebook

Additional information

Weight 17 g
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 5.5 cm


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