The Fin de Siécle Kipper by the wonderful design artist Ciro Marchetti, is a set of traditional German divination cards illustrated in Victorian style by this veteran tarot artist. A Kipper deck is similar to the Lenormand, but focuses more on the people rather than the events on the cards. This deck has 39 cards: the traditional 36 for a Kipper deck, plus three new additions by the artist (Poverty, Work, and Trouble and Community).
Ciro Marchetti invested a lot of time in research for the creation of this deck . It upholds the traditional image of the kipper cards, giving them a fresher and more vibrant appearance. He also invests each image with appropriate detail and gives the characters very defined, nuanced expressions. An authentic and wonderful piece of artwork.
He managed to transform the traditional German divination deck kipper with images from Bavaria to England in the middle of the 19th century by re-imagining Britain in Victorian times. In this expanded deck with three additional cards, rich images tell the stories of the workers and the rich during the Industrial Revolution. Using augmented reality, Cyrus has brought the Fin de Siécle cards to life in new and impressive ways.
This deck features the help of not only Ciro Marchetti, but 3 Kipper cartomancy experts; Fortune Buchholtz, Stella Waldvogal and Susanne Zitzi.
About the Kipper Deck
Great fortune tellers have been distributed in various parts of the planet throughout history. In France we have the well-known Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand who gave birth to Lenormand, later transformed into Petit Lenormand.
In Germany in 1870, more precisely in Bavaria, the Kipper was born. This deck is named after the great German fortune teller Suzane Kipper. Suzanne Kipper learned the Art of Cartomancy from a Bohemian family. In her native Berlin, she became well known for her predictions, but when she decided to move to Bavaria, her popularity was no longer the same, because gypsies had a bad reputation there and Suzane used a typical gypsy technique. Not being able to use the Lenormand cards, first because they were also used by the gypsy peoples, and second because at that time Germany was at war with France, so the Germans had an aversion and dislike for everything French, Suzanne decides to create her own deck with motifs and images depicting Germanic culture.
Kipper is a different kind of cartomancy. Initially in Germany, it was a card game in the 18th century, and Suzane Kipper like Marie Lenormand turned it into a 36-card deck for divination in the late 19th century.
While Kipper is similar to the Lenormand system in its origin and number of cards, it is different in that it offers more character cards. The kipper focuses on people rather than events or objects. This creates a feeling of romance with a touch of drama. Kipper is like Lenormand in that it works well for predictive readings, uses limited or fixed meanings per letter, and speaks more directly and assertively. The cards in a kipper deck are usually read in triples or more.
With its symbolism and images strongly focused on people, the Kipper is widely used to provide insights into human relationships. This system of cartomancy is relatively unknown in most countries, but in Germany it has been known and loved for generations.
It contains 39 cards and also contains a 55-page pocket guide book (Spanish) of the same size as the cards, which provides instructions for each card and the specific runs for this type of cartomancy. It comes inside a very solid, magnetic closure cardboard box. The letters are stamped in silver on the back.
Card dimensions: 7.6 cm x 11.6 cm
Language: French
Author: Ciro Marchetti
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